Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Bond

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

The glue that sticks it all together has become undone. Slowly the world is fragmenting. Each one is on a path of his own. When he does offer a helping hand, the world remains resistant to such aid. But mostly it is that the world has become immune to bonding and adhesive. At best such bonding is merely for pleasure but holds little value and soon the cracks appear yet again.

This phenomenon is much the order of the day in families, in groups of friends and in communities. One would have thought that each grouping would have its own special bonding like the old saying that blood is thicker than water. But, while that may yet be true, the bond is no longer one of strength. This is not an overnight problem, but one that has been on the cards for a while, yet many turned a blind eye.

Somebody made a comment recently saying that “our generation are going to make the weirdest grandparents”. That may have so many meanings and while the one who said this may have meant something totally different, the reality is perhaps that the gap between families and generations are forever widening. Technology is likely to be a key form of bonding because the natural human contact is no longer high on the agenda.

Perhaps in days gone by a strong family member held the family together. Perhaps in days gone by friends trusted each other and built strong relationships. Perhaps in days gone by communities were held together because of the influence of strong elders. Some may argue that therein lie the problem. The problem may be that these strong influencers did not necessarily pass on the baton. These influencers did not teach others the values to lead, they did not mentor. But shall we merely place the problem at their feet and claim innocence?
The world is falling apart and we merely embrace each other for others to see, for the picture. We have done much scientific research, business has advanced, sports has changed with technology and yet human relations has become merely an academic subject and no longer the pulse of our lives. Our own selfishness, our own absolute independence, our own self-righteousness has made us islands. While wars are being fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, our own missile launchers are aimed at anyone who encroaches, even though well-meaning, and often those who encroach are those we know like family and friends,.

As another person recently reminded me “when life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life a thousand reasons to smile” – likewise when those in our circle make us sad, think of the many joys they bring us and if these aren’t many, find the one thing that you appreciate about them. Let those around us share with love. Love each other with our hearts. It is no co-incidence that we, as Muslims greet by saying “peace be unto you” – we look that person in the eye and say that you and everything about you is safe from my tongue, my thoughts and I bear no ill-feeling towards you.
Spread peace and through the cleansing of the heart, perhaps love will grow. Perhaps it is too late to save this world, but for you and I, we can still live with each other in peace and harmony by living with love. Perhaps in our own small way, two may become four and before long families may have re-learnt this beautiful thing called love, the real love, the real bond.

I pray that the Almighty Allah guides us and instils in our hearts that love for each other that even death will not take away.

Monday, December 24, 2012


 In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

It has come down to a choice. An important lesson and value is to understand how one makes decisions. What choice does one make?

I can make a decision which may make you feel good albeit momentarily. But the pressing point is whether I love you, as a fellow human being, enough to offer you something other than momentary comfort. Perhaps what I may say to you may make you momentarily uncomfortable. We may have had this discussion before (that is if you know me at all), but even now I am duty-bound to address you on this issue.

The day is dawning when you celebrate the birth of a person, and most of you call him the son of God. If he is the same Jesus who is the son of Mary, the virgin, then we Muslims say “peace be upon them” and we recognise him as a great Prophet. We do not, however, refer to him in any other way but as a creation of God and not in any way as part of the Godhead. If you celebrate his birth purely on this basis, the basis of being only a creation like you and I, then there may yet be some understanding between us.  But most likely you don’t accept him purely as a creation and that is where my concern for you lies. That you recognise him, in some way or another, as part of a Godhead. I have no intention of criticising you, but rather I address you for two reasons, viz that you need to understand why I do not congratulate you on this festival, your day of celebration, and secondly, most important of all, I wish for you what I wish for myself, that you may have some understanding of Allah and Jesus (peace be upon him) and for that matter, to understand the most authentic book, Quran, which is nothing else but the word of God, Allah, Himself.

We have absolute conviction in this Holy Book and do not doubt even a letter of it. The majesty of the book is clear for all to see in all its facets. A book of which the eloquence, its word arrangement, its style, its historical accuracy, its scientific accuracy is beyond the abilities of any human. A book which is unlike any other book in that it is preserved in the hearts of men, women and children. A book which clearly states that God, Allah is One, that He begets not, nor is He begotten. A book which clearly states that Jesus (Eesa) – peace be upon him – was born of a virgin mother, that he performed many miracles by the permission of God, Allah and that he, Jesus – peace be upon him – ascended to heaven alive. That Book, Quran, also clearly states that Jesus is in no way the son of God. This is the book to which we subscribe, the word of Allah.

Dear Christian, if I congratulate you, then it is as if I wish you harm for I am telling you to continue on a path on which we disagree. Rather, my silence (as opposed to congratulations) should rather be seen as a prayer for your well-being and indeed wishing you well.

We also say Jesus (peace be upon him) saves and for that we revere him. He laid the foundation for a prophet to succeed him. That Prophet, Muhammad – peace be upon him – to whom the final revelation, Quran, was revealed, is the one we ultimately follow. Jesus – peace be upon him – remains special to Muslims for he was born of a virgin mother, he performed miracles by the permission of Allah, he ascended to heaven alive and he will return before all that is on earth will come to an end.

So the choice I make is one of love for you (because I love God Almighty, Allah) and therefore, it is for no other reason that I do not congratulate you on this day.

I greet you with peace.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The tale of Two Tongues

In the name of Allah, The Most Merciful, the Especially Merciful

Two people of similar backgrounds and ages sit down together for a meal

They have lived through much of the same but how they are different we will take a moment to reveal

Considerate, kind, attentive and concerned is clear in the expression of the one on the right

Carefree, expressive, bubbly as the one on the left brings much information to light

Facts and a dispensing of knowledge is of one who protects his tongue and his honour

A tongue so loose, letting out information, without checking its copyright, with much vigour

The attentive man on the right is deemed a freak for, although informed, he holds his mouth shut

While the tongue-wagging person on the left is the one where words flow like a glut

Much privacy for himself and those around him is for the one who guards his tongue

Aware we must be for dangerous is the one around whose neck one’s reputation is hung

The responsible person is the one who seeks to speak only with understanding

While understanding is undermined but the one who always has the urge of speaking

Strong-willed are both but the one, who remains silent, in no way belittles

While the need of the other to speak and be dramatic means that every time a tale he tittles

We are but one of the two people who may yet harm others but what we say

As without authority we, as is our general practice, present information on a tray

We pronounce judgement on the lives of others as in every story we contrive a change

The licence we have given ourselves makes every other story always seem strange

Indeed the safety on man lies in the guarding of the tongue

While it is quite the opposite when every bit of information is far flung

I pray that I am more like the man on the right who will not stand by listening to the one who gossips

The one on the left is the one that will present to you, before asking, about someone many tips

Monday, July 30, 2012

Being Charitable

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

An unassuming man, he sends out the call – A neighbourhood needs to be fed and perhaps add a few toiletries to the goodie-bag. The call is heeded. The troops gather, bringing with them the provisions as donations. A truck is loaded with pots of soup, many a loaf of bread, groceries and, as a treat for the kids, some sweets and biscuits.

The helpers, some aboard the truck, others follow in their cars ,proceed to a nearby neighbourhood, to satisfy the needs of some. The need is great and a greater effort will be required to feed all. The hope is that this will grow so that more can be fed.

Nevertheless, it is a lovely winter’s afternoon, the sun has, for once this season, the sky to itself. Not a breeze. Beautiful. As the truck arrives, the expectant crowd gathers. The helpers take up their posts and the food is handed out. One or two people are tasked with ensuring the flow of people to ensure that we reach as many people. Kids are among the expectant crowd and for those kids amongst the helpers, it is most definitely a humbling experience to see this. The gratefulness on the faces and the utterances of those who received the goodies no doubt makes one realise that this is but the mercy of Allah Almighty. Had it not been for two parties separated by an economic schism, the have’s (even those of us with just a little more) would not have had this awesome opportunity to understand the mercy and blessing of Allah Almighty in that He has given some more than others. Perhaps those who receive less here will receive more in the Hereafter, but it is such that now the giver and taker develop a love for one another. The one who gives does not feel any bit of superiority over the other. Both are grateful to the Almighty Allah because it is through His mercy that some felt the need and love to share of what they were given. The other party took for it was their need and, not once, as anyone made to feel that they( the have’s) merely owe it to them (have ’s). They too remained humbled and grateful.

There is many an effort of charity like this. There are people more experienced than this man when it comes to charity. But it takes a man with a big heart to be there for so many people, to be the driving force in helping others, not only it what is being said here, but in countless other events.

We salute people like him and pray that he is rewarded abundantly. We pray for all those who sacrifice in helping others for the good of humanity with the aim of please the Creator, the Nourisher, the Sustainer. We salute the many organisations that go the world over to address the plight of the people. We salute the individuals involved far and wide.  As we shed a tear for the plight of the people and, sadly hand over only a few pennies in the name of charity, we pray that perhaps we become those soldiers in the trenches. We ought to be more charitable, not only with our money, but also of ourselves and our families – it’s not a feel-good thing .. it is just a good thing. We cannot be satisfied while our neighbour goes hungry!

So we praise Allah for bestowing on us our health and the wealth that we may be contributors in His cause and effect the equilibrium, for that is our responsibility.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Call

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Welcome my friend, I missed you much, so glad you could come

You are special for your master sent with you bounties and then some

I confess that I have so neglected myself since last you were here

All those promises I made, in most I failed, only to few did I adhere

How serene the atmosphere, the desire to do good, now that you did arrive

The worldly desires have somewhat faded and hearts have become alive

Oh how sweet the sound of the recitation of Quran, a most beautiful gift

Absorbing it all and abiding by it will most certainly cause with bad deeds a rift

So now you are here it is required of me from pre-dawn to dusk that I abstain

From food and water while with greater sincerity my prayers and conduct I maintain

While those who understand not, consider this noble task perhaps burdensome

Not in the least can the immense bounties you bring  be found loathsome

Yes I do realise that you have come to remind me ,yet again , of a better me

This training ground is much better than any other coaching session which is free

So I pray a little extra, give some charity and I remember my Lord and His blessings more

He, Allah, your master and mine, has promised that for this much blessing is in store

So I pray that your stay, however short, will be for me most beneficial

That on that Day, your witness in my favour will be made official

So I embrace you even more than I ever have, knowing that I truly love you

For this love is for no other reason but that my Love for Allah is true

Most certainly I acknowledge what you mean to me now, and always will

How then can I not invite others such that we may all forsake the evil

From my sisters who have not covered up to others who have not prayed at all

Always a good time to tell my non-Muslim friends to answer this call

The call is to obey Allah who created me, you and the entire universe

Such indeed was the call of Abraham, Moses, David and not forgetting Jesus

And on all of them be peace for they were without doubt great messengers

And to be complete,  so too peace upon Muhammad the seal of all messengers

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

O you who are a slave

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

O you who are a slave! You refuse to be a true slave, a slave to the One Who Created you, you refuse to be a slave to the Truth, yet you are but a slave.

Unfortunately, you are the one who gets up early in the morning to go to a place of work – a place which you do not enjoy being at; nor do you enjoy the wage being paid to you. Yet you are slave for the truth is you do not know why you are there and why perhaps you need to be there. You work overtime for minimum wage. You consider being flirtatious as a way to get ahead. You have sold yourself, your soul for what? A career? A job? Money? Status? You are a slave to a world which is meaningless.

You dress in a way which sometimes make you look uncomfortable, perhaps you are. But it is simply that you are a slave. You are a slave to fashion. You are a slave to peer pressure. You are a slave for truth that may be inside your heart is simply overshadowed by your master – the pressure from without – the fashion and society. You are a slave to that which is superficial and you don’t even realise it for you are its slave. Your life is superficial .. does that mean it is meaningless?

You party, you enjoy yourself when you often know the consequences of it all. But you cannot stop for you are a slave. You are a slave to the pressure of those whose lives revolve around fun and those who have shunned responsibility. But you a slave to those who have not your best interest at heart for you have succumbed. So you were there, so now you “in” .. in what? In slavery ... another meaningless exercise in being superficial – for you are its slave.

You have given up morals and values – you call them outdated – for you are a slave to a society bent on destroying itself but you have shunned truth, so how should you know. What say do you have for you are a slave to a lawless immoral society who looks down on the poor, the meek, the humble. “No, we don’t I hear you say”, but how hypocritical you are – for the moral you practise, they do too to your dismay or shall we just say the morals you don’t practise neither do they. But you are slaves to those who propagate immorality and for you nothing is taboo.

So are you a slave to Him who deserves your servitude or you are merely a slave to everything that goes against that which is natural? What is natural is what is from nature. What is from nature is what is from the Creator, Allah. He created men such that they grow facial hair, yet they shave it. He created men and women with eyebrows, yet women see fit to pluck it. And so the list goes on, the list  with servitude to that which opposes the nature given by Allah.

The reality of this misguided servitude is because we may not properly understand why we are here. If you are a true slave, a slave of Allah then indeed you are free for you are one that have humbly submitted to Him who does not change. But if you are a slave to everything else, you will continually strive to obey the master who changes with time, be it your boss, fashion, the latest social trends, and whatever else you may fancy to be a slave to.

Those who deny the truth and thus are really slaves of the latter, then they have no reason to complain for they have brought their misery upon themselves. But these are the people who find reason to complain.

Whatever you do in life, do it for the right reason, not for your whims and fancies. Be a true slave!

In case anybody misunderstands –  I am neither slating work or your boss – what I am merely saying, get to enjoy what you do, ensure mutual respect for your boss and colleagues and progress in your career on being the best at what is required from your job.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Imagination without limits

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful

 I just love dreaming, but it is awesome when these become reality ... and here is something worth imagining

Have you ever wondered how awesome a place paradise is? Do you think the people a hundred years back would have imagined it as we are imagining it today? How about those who lived thousands of years ago?

Think about it – I mean really think about it? Like close your eyes! Hellllooooo – work with me here – it may yet be good therapy ...or .... it may be an absolutely incredible eye-opener because perhaps you did not believe in paradise ... mmmm .. but even if you did (or do), you were just plodding along and not really thinking deeply about it. Your dream is that car or that house which you already saw. But paradise, nah, you have not seen it yet. But I know it is most definitely the most incredible place ever...

Close you eyes .. squeeze them closed. Now picture your most beautiful house, nay make it a ..a..a palace.. .yes, a palace .. the large entrance wall, the built-in swimming pool, heated (you don’t like it heated – ok .. leave it unheated .. for you)... kitchen – don’t need it because what ever you want, just think about it and it will be there .. you don’t need butlers and maids and and and and remote controls – your mind is good enough .. gardens green, with trees shaped in your favourite shapes, water fountains, rivers, flowers – the most beautiful – luscious fields expanding for many many miles – it’s all yours.

Technology, that amazing phenomenon we had on earth, pffft, how inferior to the communication now (keep your eyes closed and focus) .. how you want to communicate, just do it.. what you want .. just do it ...what we as humans are now capable is not even an iota of the capability of the One who granted us even this capability... so there in the gardens of paradise, we will experience so much more.... more than we can imagine .. and yet .. even then we cannot grasp ...but for now let your mind wander ... for that place is wonderful .... will the rivers be of milk, or chocolate or the sweetest juice ever – it is yours .. you order what you want, and you can change your mind and it will be there... no calling the plumber or the builder or or or ... no ... it’s in a power beyond your wildest imagination.

Hold that thought, save it ... and reflect on it ever so no and again ... better than a DVD you have already burned (for those less technologically inclined it means “made”) you can edit your thought and add on at your will..These thought most definitely prove that the might and power of our Creator. All these latest development may amaze us but it only enhances our imagination of what is to come when we enter this wondrous place called paradise.

Perhaps people deny the existence of paradise simply because they lack the imagination and acceptance of the power of the Almighty Creator. This life is way too fleeting to really enjoy oneself. So I would rather prep for the real enjoyment and even the prep is really easy.  Remember, whatever you are imagining, it will be better. In Him we trust.

Don’t let that fella, the one with the horns, don’t let him tell you anything different only because he for sure have been denied entry into this place .. so he is just a jealous rascal.

Dream on, and this is one dream that will most definitely become reality if you truly believe!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Killing me softly

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Often we perhaps concern ourselves little with the well-being of others. Our own ego's and pride have blinded us from acknowledging the harm we inflict on others. We drown out the opinions and views of others only such that our space and turf may be protected. We do not consider the consequences.. Even at times suicide... Please take care .. Let us be more responsible"


"Humiliation and depression! Oh how I need some intercession"
Quivers the battered young man as he fear more aggression
The heat of the day has no impact on his body remains cold
He considers that it may perhaps be easier if his soul was sold

Almost never-ending, condemnation and humiliation is all he faces
Uncomfortable he is as when his body does tingle as his heartbeat races
Sadly for him his talent and contribution does not count for anything
His words fall  upon deaf ears as if the audience is missing

Few take time to listen but in defending his himself he yells for all to hear
"Madness", "immaturity", "unwise", "unmannered", the response is clear
Condemnation, humiliation, he is a prisoner in a world that has no heart
If he were dead it would matter little since he is nuisance for a start

Except that he is the ideal target on whom others can cast the blame
Despised by most he is, for them his life and existence is a shame
All the more reason that they can trash him and bash him at will
His voice must be muted and that tongue of his must remain still

With pain and anguish he accepts that his life is one of humiliation 
He seeks respite so it is only to his Lord that he turns for consolation
He breathes deeply such that his heart may yet find some rest
That when he sees another person with it he expects a test

If nothing else he knows that it is his patience is that at stake
For all his endurance how much more can any person take
Badgered here, badgered there, badgered everywhere
Never good enough in a situation, a disaster in every sphere

Thinking about survival, his heart is pounding that he feels it ache
His body feels the pain as to it's foundation every part did shake
He questions how it is that always he is too young to be wise
And for the youngsters he is too old to be one of the guys

So often he is reluctant to even contemplate making decision
The likely outcome is that somehow it will be met with derision
We must surely help and the message to this young boy is clear
Return in submission to your Lord and from His path do not veer

Humiliation in this life will be short-lived as this worldly life itself
Even with scars so deep none can heal it but the Lord Himself

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Destroying our Youth

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 

The destruction of society lies in the destruction in the fabric of our youth.  The destruction in the fabric of the youth of today lies in the lack of attention to the youth of yesterday. The destruction of society is the destruction of man himself and this world for sure. Inch by inch we are the manufacturers of our own end which, of course, One All-knowledgeable knows.

We have made brilliant scientific discoveries and still, day by day, are increasing exponentially. We have done tremendous work as a human race, and now we seek too to increase the lifespan of mother earth if, for example, we can reduce global warming. We seek other planets for habitation should life on earth become impossible. We though, either some already know or those who don’t, need to realise that man was created with limited capacity for that limitless capacity belongs only to the One Who is All-knowledgeable, All-Powerful, All-wise.

Is it a co-incidence that in the pursuit of technology that the value-system, the moral system has declined as fast as, or even quicker than, any scientific advancement? Has science and technology become the way of life, the religion of man such that it brings with it wondrous gadgets but also monstrous people. Has these scientific developments given power to a group of people who claim to come with peace, yet the world is being destroyed? Peace comes from the heart, not from the hands. The presence of the One, Who is Peace, in your heart will lead to peace, but alas, the deception of one’s own pursuits make one love oneself  more for few would claim to worship the devil.

Our youth, our youth, our youth. They are more technologically advanced than even us who may only be a few years beyond that age group. Their very lives revolve around technology to the extent that they not only know every “gadget” on the market, the first thing they “greet” in the morning is one(s) they may own. Meanwhile mom and dad works harder to ensure that their child remains popular and in touch. The youth and their successors spend more time with “technology” than with their family members. The destruction of families and societies are increasing at an alarming rate. Few claim to worship the one who hates man but most follow and obey him, for he loves to destroy families and love.

It is near impossible to think that the sins and crimes we have thus far experienced can be any worse. We have this wonderful knack of shifting blame for anything that may not be morally good – we do have an innate sense of good which we sometimes use, though unfortunately sparingly. We shift blame to government and everything else, even technology. Technology and scientific advancement has in it much good, so we may indeed be misplacing the blame.

Did I perhaps say that technologically was bad?

Technology is good. Yet our society is being destroyed as we are most definitely destroying our youth. We have given them technology without given them morals. We have given them technology without understanding. Perhaps, we don’t understand. The use of the pen at the start of creation was a technological breakthrough. This was to be a benefit to mankind. It was a gift from the Creator who taught man the use of the pen, taught him what he knew not (as related in Quran). Our relative survival on this planet is not through scientific development (although it will help), but it will be through the quality of our morals and the guidance of Him Who created us.

The advancement of a strong society is on good character building in human – not robots.

Few claim to worship the one who hates man but most follow and obey him - Satan, for he loves to destroy families and love.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Embrace the Era

In the name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious

The past, the present and the future are three interesting characters. They may not live in the same era but there is most certainly one thing they have in common. These characters bring with them some emotion but only one character is worthy of being truly embraced.

There is an interesting part of this emotional attachment. The past and the future are really on opposite sides and no doubt the present is right in the middle. So which one does one embrace and why should one embrace it, if any of it at all.

Have you not noticed that the one who so passionately embraces the past, often gets lost in relation to the present, and does perhaps not even realise there is a future. Be that past, be it good or be it bad, when they dwell on it, they are almost permanently in reverse as if their lives have already ended except that their heart may still miraculously be ticking.  They gloat of achievements and all wondrous actions, deeds and awards, yet their only tool is a feather-duster, such that the cobwebs may be removed from these memories which is by now entrenched in their minds.

The fellow on the other side, he too is sucked in by emotion and yes, while perhaps the past had some influence, he is rather pre-occupied with the future such that either he fears the future, absolute paranoia, or he has embraced the future as if nothing else exists or has ever existed. This latter person will be changing the world except perhaps he is unaware of where the world was or where the world present is at. The future is  bright and rosy, nay bright and laserly, technologically-driven absolutely awesome new horizon awaits. Unless of course you are the paranoid little guy/gal whose every second in the future is.... DOOOMMMM ...

But alas, both the past and the future is unlike one special character, the present ... interesting name for this fellow, The present, a gift of life, the one to really embrace. The past has no doubt led to the present and whatever has happened then, one of two may need to happen going forward – build on it OR change it, especially if it was bad. Your present is the first step to your future – embrace it. Your present is where you make the real decisions to influence the future. Your present is the time where you act such that the foundations for the future are laid. Embrace it. The past is gone – learn from it. Smile a while when the past has been great but don’t get sucked in by it. Shake the head, and perhaps shed a little tear, but don’t get sucked in by it because is over and done.

Contemplate the future only in as far as you understand the present and you instil two important ingredients in your daily life – contemplation and learning. Contemplation together with learning are two powerful ingredients to plan your course going forward and that course starts now.

Don’t be too harsh on those living in the past, but they may be shocked by what is really happening, which could be a real nasty blow (to their health). Those living too far in the future, gently bring them back to reality but don’t burst their bubble, merely deflate it so that it still floats but within reasonable reach.

As for the present, embrace it to the extent that every passing second is history and belongs to the past. The next second belongs to the future and thus be prepared for it.

In conclusion, I am reminded by Quran to prepare for tomorrow, that is the Great Day of Recompense, of Account, of Judgement. While that day in itself may yet be a while off, for each one of us, death may in fact be tomorrow, thus we must strive to do our best always, let no time be wasted – work hard in this world to leave a legacy for your family and perhaps humanity, and work hard to achieve the full and best rewards of the life to come, the life of paradise - if indeed you want success.

Quran is the word of Allah, revealed as an oral text to Muhammad – peace be upon him –via Angel Gabriel – peace be upon him. The Quran confirms what came before it with respect to the various Prophets and other Divinely revealed scripture


Thursday, May 31, 2012

Lifting the Veil

In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Especially Merciful

A man and a woman have words; so bad that they even scare away the birds. The woman needing support calls her friend to complain; while the friend is quite happy that the woman this course must maintain. Hardly a word is spoken that between husband and wife they should mend; rather what is advised by this friend is only to offend. The man on his part too may not say much; yet he too may find every bit of fun as a clutch. So it is that many a time a marriage sadly does fail;  for every problem that happens is void of a veil.

Often we think that marriage is perhaps difficult a bond to break;  but alas few give it the necessary attention it may take. And so as easy as a broken marriage;  so with it often it goes a justice-miscarriage.  Many suffer for one or both were misled;  simply because of the public broadcast of what was being said. With a soapie mentality we find that both female and male; they gladly seize every opportunity to tell the tale. They do so without fail;  for the mouths too are without veil.

Perhaps we will realise that any bond that we help break; it is the great instability we make. We promise to be there for a friend;  when it is to our own marriage we must tend. It is really easy to give advice;  it is someone else’s life that will pay the price. Do this, do that, how can he; while the other says who really she thinks is she. Cheap words are now spoken; words with which so easy the marriage vow is broken. At such gossip crowds gather as if it is a sale; that happens when we on our privacy lift the veil.

So shall we rather not speak kind words; perhaps the two will once again become love-birds.  You are fortunate that things in your life is rosy;  help others therefore to at least make their home cosy. The children should at no time be harmed, ensuring only that their emotions are calmed. We need to help every family build a home lest we find any one of them the streets roam. Spread love not mischief nor ever mislead, if only we can realise the power of this deed.
Next time before we say a word rather we inhale, then exhale .. but never never so whimsically lift the veil

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Look on your Face

In the name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Especially Merciful

The day I met you father and asked
I saw the look on your face
The day we were finally bonded together
I saw the look on your face

The days that you longed for motherhood
I saw the look on your face
Sisters and friends were bestowed that privilege
I saw the look on your face

Then you too were gifted and when you knew
I saw the look on your face
A bundle of joy was a beautiful boy
I saw the look on your face

When you were sick when he was sick
I saw the look on your face
When I faulted when he faulted
I saw the look on your face

Ah the look on your face when it is smiling
Oh the look on your face when it is crying
The look on your face when you think I am not trying
The look on you face for sure not are your feelings lying

The look on your face is important to me
The beat of your heart is important to me
The beat of your heart is the look on your face
Ever sweet ever filled with grace

That is how I see the look on your face

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
"The most perfect of the believers is the best of you in character, and the best of you are those among you who are best to their wives."  - Tirmidhi


Friday, April 27, 2012

What have you done

In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Especially Merciful

My son, I was so good to you all your life, was I not? Then Why, Why did you leave me here alone in this dark and cold place. Why did you have these people all come along and then you leave me. What is to become of me? Who is there to help me? This place is small. Yet I have so much money to buy a bigger place. What have I done to deserve this?

These are but the thoughts that should cross our minds for a day will soon come when we too will be like the one who is left alone in what seems to be a cold and dark place. All of this is reality except that the latter will be only for some while for others it will be spacious and comfortable.

The son, the father, the brother, the friend who left you, did what they had to do. You have taken on the responsibility to be born into this world, but you may have forgotten that this world is but a temporary abode. Yet, you lived as if this life was eternal. You have been left in this place, this small and dark place because you are now in the dock. You will be questioned about your life and perhaps you pass the test. But if you do not, then you only  have yourself to blame for you, who hold all these qualifications and seem quite intelligent, either befriended the enemy or were simply duped by this character. Yes, you were subservient to the enemy and now you are being court-martialled. Neither your money, nor your worldly status, nor your many friends can help you in the least. You have been stripped of all these and you will present your own case.

What is your case? You sought much pleasure while living on mother earth. You forgot that the real pleasure was the satisfaction of Him who created you. You forgot that it is with His Mercy that He will grant you an eternal abode of pleasure. That abode is beyond this earthly life. Yet you, with your brilliant mind, yet you were influenced and forgot Him, forgot Him who Created you. You chose to party, club, consume alcohol, fornicate, dress provocatively, gamble and all those things that were expressly forbidden to you while in this temporary life. And now you are in this icy cold and dark place, a place so small that you feel constricted, and those sent to interrogate you are not kind to you in the least.

In your pain and anguish, you do not realise that, barely a few meters from you, is another person. Yet this person is in luxury, not the worldly luxury, but by far better. He was one who remembered that this world was but temporary. He knew there was something better to come and he worked for it. He read a book, a book of guidance from the One who created you and him. He read the book and followed it and followed the teachings of the one who conveyed the message of this book.

My son, I wish I was a better person, I wish I had another chance. I know I will never have that. You are still on this earth. Know the pain of the grave and rather repent before it is too late. Repent, for your Lord loves those who repent and He, Most High, is quick to accept repentance.

Leave that which will harm you and take care of yourself, your time, your health, your family, your youth before it is all taken away from you.

“Verily from Allah do we come and verily to Him is our return” (Quran 2:156)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Growth requires Change

In the name of Allah, The All-Merciful, The Especially Merciful

A time to pause, a time to reflect, a time to plan a course of action

Pondering deeply, some thoughts are bound to find traction

A young boy sits obediently and determined to memorise the Holy Book

His mother plays her natural motherly role, while also teacher and the cook

A man is deep in thought as he contemplates the state of world affairs

While meditating and seeking the guidance of the One who truly cares

He is consumed by the concern for his family and community out there

The change was necessary to make a difference and show we care

It took much time and deep reflection to reach this stage of growth

Take not for granted the bounties received after one made an oath

That you will exert your energy to ease and fulfil other’s needs

So be reminded that everything we do is written in the book of deeds

Change has to come and one must constantly look to grow

Certainly as long as the heart beats and the blood does still flow

It takes time to reflect deeply, remaining patient, for those who are wise

And when the right time comes these people will with wisdom arise

Successful indeed are those in whose actions discipline does abide

Contented, as they do their hopes and desires in their Lord confide

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Where the truth resides

In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Especially Merciful

What is there to say when all words are spoken
Opinions are voiced such that bonds are broken
Perhaps we have reached a time when few are wise
Sadly this may indeed be why people do not realise

That in relating issues we need to be more circumspect
For with that we do the dignity of others protect
But for sure this is exactly what some are against
When it is the blood of a person that is sensed

Evil indeed are people with hearts impure
Rejoicing at the pain a brother may endure
The tongue is actively broadcasting the message
Of truthful content there is merely a vestige

In silence there may yet be more benefit
Than the talk emanating from a poisonous pit
How much better if we do make the heart pure
Then with that our words may indeed be a cure

So moisten rather your tongue with remembrance of your Lord
Evil indeed is the one whose tongue puts others to the sword

Let us all speak the truth and let all animosity cease

Embrace one another with a sincere greeting of peace

Saturday, March 17, 2012


In the same of Allah, theAll-Merciful, the Especially Merciful

As today the sky is completely covered with cloud,

That day, O my Lord, please also my sins Thee shroud

Alas, as the sun is hidden there is a hint of darkness

So I pray that that day my face with light sparkles

Ah, how wonderfully Merciful Thou art that today is so cool

That day too, O Lord, let not my body be for the fire fuel

How Thou remind me so clearly of what is possible that day

The coolness, the coolness will be for those worthy of Thine shade

So, I plead with Thee, My Most Gracious Lord, to make me of the seven

Whose reward, as Thou did promise, will surely be the eternal heaven.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him said)

There are seven whom Allah ill shade in His Shade on the Day when there is no shade except His Shade: a just ruler; a youth who grew up in the worship of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic; a man whose heart is attached to the mosques; two men who love each other for Allah's sake, meeting for that and parting upon that; a man who is called by a woman of beauty and position [for illegal intercourse], but be says: 'I fear Allah', a man who gives in charity and hides it, such that his left hand does not know what his right hand gives in charity; and a man who remembered Allah in private and so his eyes shed tears.'

Narrated by Abu Hurairah & collected in Sahih al-Bukhari

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Especially-Merciful

The fly knocks into the window pane desperately looking for an exit
Why did he not consider moving a few inches further to make his escape?
A man goes about his daily routine grudgingly doing what he always did
Why did he not consider changing something to help his life take shape?

The ant is energetically surveying the land as it goes about its chores
Is it any co-incidence that the ant needs no one to open for him any doors?
For he always does what he does best knowing that his team works well
Man can learn because never in despair will one ever find any ant dwell

The bird leaves his nest seeking sustenance early in the morning
When the man is asleep or perhaps may have risen but still yawning
The bird returns later having had his fill and is now contented
When the man belatedly returns from his place of work he resented

Perhaps the man will do well if he ponders on his lot
Did God Almighty create all this in vain, I think not
So take a moment to reflect on the treasures before you
Then, no doubt, you will make with life a start anew

From a time of idleness daily the man now takes time to reflect
To those around him, to all he now gives due respect
He bows down regularly to the One who is Ever-living
Creating in him the contentment that he was certainly missing

Thursday, February 23, 2012

My Father, My Teacher

In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Especially Merciful

I often think about a man who made such a deep impact on me
Obstinate as I was I now realise that he was teaching me the person to be
Sadness overwhelmed us as his worldly life was slowly taken from him
But even to the end this silent teacher taught as to remember Him
So now when I recite that “there is no either deity to be worshipped but Allah”
How better to remember the one who taught me about Allah
And I thus pray for the mercy of the Almighty on him who taught me all this
That this person deserves nothing less than the Garden of Bliss

A great thanks to my Dad for what he taught me with such few words
I remember well how he took out time to also feed the birds
So I can go on and on about the lesson I learnt from this great man
Yet few knew him and yet less will even begin to understand
That parents are a blessing from Allah if only we will sit and ponder
There are lessons for us in this life that will take us to an awesome place yonder
And so I remember my father who taught me to remember my Creator
To Him, no doubt,  is our final return as He decrees, be it sooner or later

That day when in the morning he prepared himself so well
By the afternoon others gathered as if to bid him farewell
As we continued to recite with him the ultimate declaration
That we worship none besides Allah, the Lord of all creation
By the night as silence fell, it was decreed that he breathed his last
But even in this moment his impact over us was like a shadow cast
The tears then and even now a few years later for a man not forgotten      
A man of few words yet he taught us to love the God that was not begotten

We washed his body and then in three white sheets he was shrouded
For the prayer  it was humbling to see the mosque so crowded
Beyond words it was when came the time to lower his body into the ground
Then the body was covered with sand forming on the grave a little mound
So praise to the Almighty who has granted me a good father
As even now I am best known for being the son of my father
Forgive me if every now and then I shed a tear
For even in death my father is always to me dear

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The story of a man who found reality

 In the name of Allah, The most Merciful, The Especially Merciful

There she was as my eyes fell on her across a crowded room. “She’s the one” was the immediate reaction. And why not! If she was not my dream-girl before, she certainly is now. Our eyes made contact. I tried not to act too foolish but enough to hold her attention and make her smile.

Over time she too made me smile. We had fun. Then we got married. She already have a good figure but lost the extra pound or two for our wedding day – yes, that day is all about the bride. Married life was bliss – initially anyway. A few yes later we had our first child, then the next and the next. Wifey is now thirty-something and now sitting in my armchair I tried to picture that day when I first saw her. The flashbacks though are interrupted by reality.

Reality? Well, when a man’s paunch starts to show it more like his porch – he is building on. But wifey, no! No! no ! she cannot build on – it’s a man’s job.  So now I am thinking “What happened since her wedding day”. Was that just a screensaver? Screensavers appear after time, not disappear. So what happened?  Reality? Nobody told me about it. All my friends were egging me on- giving me high-fives. Now what to do?

I sit there almost in despair that while my love for my wife did not decrease, it is just not the same.  When now I see my friends we no longer talk about the good things of our wives. In fact, we try not to raise the topic lest one of us get depressed.

While I am sitting in my armchair I look out the window and see my neighbour outside in his garden. I have never had much time for him but he always seemed friendly enough. He also had three kids and his wife, well I don’t know too much about her, actually nothing. I get up and decided to see how he is coping with things, we all being the same age and everything.

His story is not too different from mine except that their attraction for each other was not like ours. While I tried to impress the girl who is now my wife, he tried to impress someone more important and likewise did his bride-to-be. Their lives were founded on a common interest that would last, while ours were too superficial and we have not developed and grown together because of that. Theirs was based on a common goal that they were already saving up for some excellent real estate. No, they did not yet own their own property, but they planned to and were always working on it. Now this is going to sound weird but it sounded like some pyramid scheme because they had their children involved in it too. So they working for their real estate benefiting from the input of their children while their children are already laying their very own foundations.

I went home and reflected on what I had just heard. I realised that I, like most people have lost the plot. Here my neighbour was content and living the dream and what I thought was my reality was actually only deception.

Having understood what my neighbour told me I sat down with my wife and relayed to her this understanding. When my neighbour got married it’s because they shared the same interest and had a simple rule – Do everything to please Him and He will grant you the bonuses and all the rewards.  Him is none other than the King of Kings – He owns everything – all you have to do is show you love Him. So my neighbour got married because of the love for Him, not for the love of the wife. But he, my neighbour, was touched by the fact that that his then wife-to-be also loved Him. And so out of that, their love for each other has grown and is still growing.  Yes, they have taught this “Everything I do is for the sake of Allah” to their kids and for that they too get rewarded. The love in the family overflows because of the love of Allah.

So they have understood the love for Allah such that if for example they buy anything then they simply ask themselves – is this acceptable to Allah and will this bring me closer to Allah or take me away from Him. So the girls cover themselves because of the love of Allah. All of them pray on time for the sake of Allah. They eat for the sake of Allah. They sleep for the sake of Allah. They lower their gaze in the company of strangers of the opposite sex for the sake of Allah. They abstain from all wrong including listening to music and gossip. They do not follow celebrities who promote shamelessness making girls believe it’s good to expose their bodies or act in a lewd fashion. The boys do not follow those celebrities who do not show respect to women  through their actions and lyrics.

 These neighbours  do it because they love life, but they do not fear death. The life they love is the promised life of the hereafter and for that yes, we all have to die.

They don’t just say they love Allah with their mouths. Their actions say they love Allah. They have contentment in their hearts.

Are we always going follow our hearts desires and live the illusion. Are we going to clean up our act and do it with love – the love of the One in whose hands is our lives – the One who sustains us with our daily provisions, The One who created us and all that is around us.

Shall we then not give thanks?