Monday, July 30, 2012

Being Charitable

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

An unassuming man, he sends out the call – A neighbourhood needs to be fed and perhaps add a few toiletries to the goodie-bag. The call is heeded. The troops gather, bringing with them the provisions as donations. A truck is loaded with pots of soup, many a loaf of bread, groceries and, as a treat for the kids, some sweets and biscuits.

The helpers, some aboard the truck, others follow in their cars ,proceed to a nearby neighbourhood, to satisfy the needs of some. The need is great and a greater effort will be required to feed all. The hope is that this will grow so that more can be fed.

Nevertheless, it is a lovely winter’s afternoon, the sun has, for once this season, the sky to itself. Not a breeze. Beautiful. As the truck arrives, the expectant crowd gathers. The helpers take up their posts and the food is handed out. One or two people are tasked with ensuring the flow of people to ensure that we reach as many people. Kids are among the expectant crowd and for those kids amongst the helpers, it is most definitely a humbling experience to see this. The gratefulness on the faces and the utterances of those who received the goodies no doubt makes one realise that this is but the mercy of Allah Almighty. Had it not been for two parties separated by an economic schism, the have’s (even those of us with just a little more) would not have had this awesome opportunity to understand the mercy and blessing of Allah Almighty in that He has given some more than others. Perhaps those who receive less here will receive more in the Hereafter, but it is such that now the giver and taker develop a love for one another. The one who gives does not feel any bit of superiority over the other. Both are grateful to the Almighty Allah because it is through His mercy that some felt the need and love to share of what they were given. The other party took for it was their need and, not once, as anyone made to feel that they( the have’s) merely owe it to them (have ’s). They too remained humbled and grateful.

There is many an effort of charity like this. There are people more experienced than this man when it comes to charity. But it takes a man with a big heart to be there for so many people, to be the driving force in helping others, not only it what is being said here, but in countless other events.

We salute people like him and pray that he is rewarded abundantly. We pray for all those who sacrifice in helping others for the good of humanity with the aim of please the Creator, the Nourisher, the Sustainer. We salute the many organisations that go the world over to address the plight of the people. We salute the individuals involved far and wide.  As we shed a tear for the plight of the people and, sadly hand over only a few pennies in the name of charity, we pray that perhaps we become those soldiers in the trenches. We ought to be more charitable, not only with our money, but also of ourselves and our families – it’s not a feel-good thing .. it is just a good thing. We cannot be satisfied while our neighbour goes hungry!

So we praise Allah for bestowing on us our health and the wealth that we may be contributors in His cause and effect the equilibrium, for that is our responsibility.


  1. Shukran brother :D Gamza ;) from the EIERS MAD family ;)

  2. Masha-Allah. May Allah SWT grant that we are always able to join and support such amazing initiatives, Ameen. Nawaar Railoun

  3. Amiena Classens DavidsJuly 30, 2012 at 2:21 PM

    Masha-Allah. Keep up the good work Team Madness. Peace & Blessings to all.

  4. I feel so encouraged to see young people involved in giving poor people a warm plate of food and putting food on their table. Sweets fro kids are always a winner. Keep it up. This new trend honours their parents and our forefathers. Cllr Ganief Hendricks

  5. It is a real joy to see the youth partaking in events like the one on Sunday (29/07/2012) I can only echo Abu Tameem's words, the call that was made by an unassuming man and the troops gathered, where they took the venue (Pots of Food,Pots Of Soup,A few hundred loaves of Bread,Boxes and Boxes of Party Packs for the Kiddies, (one had to see the joy on those little faces when they received their party pack) Food Parcels,Biscuits and much more, too numerous to mention) into one of the most dangerous areas of Hanover Park, and Alghamdulillah they were all protected by the grace of All Mighty Allah SWT. the point I want to make is the generosity of our community out there to have donated goods to fill a Truck Load, and to see Bakkie Loads and Car loads of goods that were off loaded at the venue.

    We do have a very caring and most generous community out there.
    It only shows if the call is made (like it was made by this unassuming man and his team, then the community is there to support

    May Allah SWT reward those responsible abundantly In Sha Allah

  6. It is a real joy to see the youth partaking in events like the one on Sunday (29/07/2012) I can only echo Abu Tameem's words, the call that was made by an unassuming man and the troops gathered, where they took the venue (Pots of Food,Pots Of Soup,A few hundred loaves of Bread,Boxes and Boxes of Party Packs for the Kiddies, (one had to see the joy on those little faces when they received their party pack) Food Parcels,Biscuits and much more, too numerous to mention) into one of the most dangerous areas of Hanover Park, and Alghamdulillah they were all protected by the grace of All Mighty Allah SWT. the point I want to make is the generosity of our community out there to have donated goods to fill a Truck Load, and to see Bakkie Loads and Car loads of goods that were off loaded at the venue.

    We do have a very caring and most generous community out there.
    It only shows if the call is made (like it was made by this unassuming man and his team, then the community is there to support

    May Allah SWT reward those responsible abundantly In Sha Allah

  7. May ALLAH give us more so that we can make more charity INSHA ALLAH... AMEEN
