Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Everything in nature is a lesson

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious most Merciful

Picture beautiful Cape Town, a real and true blessing. How many cities can boast that the pearls of nature are within the city? Cape Town boasts a magnificent coastline with stunning beaches. A “wonder of the world”  and most definitely a defining characteristic of Cape Town is Table Mountain. Scenic drives around the city and the mountain leads one from one end to the other using roads like the captivating Chapman’s Peak.

In all of this are signs on which to ponder for those of understanding.

A man walks along the beach. The big grains of sand stick to his feet. As he is walking the water flows over his feet washing away the sand. The beach was quiet and empty when he first arrived. Now, from a trickle of people there is flow of people almost as much as the waves hitting the shore. A woman in an apparent state of undress, oh it’s a bikini she is wearing,  catches his eye. Somewhat distracted from his original thoughts and contemplation, he is now oblivious of the water running over his feet. Then, almost with a shock, he realises what he is doing, shuts his eyes, his lips are moving as he mumbles something. As he continues he is surrounded by people and by women strutting their stuff. His mind races in all directions as he loses focus of his real purpose for being there. A big wave splashes and his knocked back – it was pretty much like a “hi, how do you do! What brings you here” kind of wave – a reality check. He moves quickly. At the end, and fortunate for him, he sees a tap which gives him a chance to rinse of the last of the sand. His car must remain clean as he sets off to his home.

Another version of this man walking:

The man is going about his daily life of work and some relaxation. Along the way he errs, overstepping the laws of Creator. Fortunately, the Creator has made it such that there are many opportunities to wash away those sins, praying regularly at the appropriate times (much like water washing away the sand off his feet at the appropriate times). However, man is prone to sin and so he repeats these sins, mostly small, but sometimes big sins. The water from the waves splashing over his feet may not always be enough to wash away the sand/sin. Bigger decisions and commitment are  required to steer one  away from sin and being drawn into it further. Temptation is so much in one’s face. And so it is best to seek the safer option to as far as possible steer well clear of these temptations. This man was given one last chance to wash himself when he got to use a tap to rinse of those last sticky grains of sand, those last bad habits. He felt better and was on his way home. If that was death and he was fortunate to wash himself of his sin and then be sent to his final home, Paradise.

Will we be that fortunate?

Enjoy nature, enjoy the beauty of Cape Town and wherever else you may be living. Remember though in everything in nature there are signs from those of understanding (and may we be of those who understand)