Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Destroying our Youth

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 

The destruction of society lies in the destruction in the fabric of our youth.  The destruction in the fabric of the youth of today lies in the lack of attention to the youth of yesterday. The destruction of society is the destruction of man himself and this world for sure. Inch by inch we are the manufacturers of our own end which, of course, One All-knowledgeable knows.

We have made brilliant scientific discoveries and still, day by day, are increasing exponentially. We have done tremendous work as a human race, and now we seek too to increase the lifespan of mother earth if, for example, we can reduce global warming. We seek other planets for habitation should life on earth become impossible. We though, either some already know or those who don’t, need to realise that man was created with limited capacity for that limitless capacity belongs only to the One Who is All-knowledgeable, All-Powerful, All-wise.

Is it a co-incidence that in the pursuit of technology that the value-system, the moral system has declined as fast as, or even quicker than, any scientific advancement? Has science and technology become the way of life, the religion of man such that it brings with it wondrous gadgets but also monstrous people. Has these scientific developments given power to a group of people who claim to come with peace, yet the world is being destroyed? Peace comes from the heart, not from the hands. The presence of the One, Who is Peace, in your heart will lead to peace, but alas, the deception of one’s own pursuits make one love oneself  more for few would claim to worship the devil.

Our youth, our youth, our youth. They are more technologically advanced than even us who may only be a few years beyond that age group. Their very lives revolve around technology to the extent that they not only know every “gadget” on the market, the first thing they “greet” in the morning is one(s) they may own. Meanwhile mom and dad works harder to ensure that their child remains popular and in touch. The youth and their successors spend more time with “technology” than with their family members. The destruction of families and societies are increasing at an alarming rate. Few claim to worship the one who hates man but most follow and obey him, for he loves to destroy families and love.

It is near impossible to think that the sins and crimes we have thus far experienced can be any worse. We have this wonderful knack of shifting blame for anything that may not be morally good – we do have an innate sense of good which we sometimes use, though unfortunately sparingly. We shift blame to government and everything else, even technology. Technology and scientific advancement has in it much good, so we may indeed be misplacing the blame.

Did I perhaps say that technologically was bad?

Technology is good. Yet our society is being destroyed as we are most definitely destroying our youth. We have given them technology without given them morals. We have given them technology without understanding. Perhaps, we don’t understand. The use of the pen at the start of creation was a technological breakthrough. This was to be a benefit to mankind. It was a gift from the Creator who taught man the use of the pen, taught him what he knew not (as related in Quran). Our relative survival on this planet is not through scientific development (although it will help), but it will be through the quality of our morals and the guidance of Him Who created us.

The advancement of a strong society is on good character building in human – not robots.

Few claim to worship the one who hates man but most follow and obey him - Satan, for he loves to destroy families and love.


1 comment:

  1. and believe you me! I really love technology ... some things are real awesome!
