Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Embrace the Era

In the name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious

The past, the present and the future are three interesting characters. They may not live in the same era but there is most certainly one thing they have in common. These characters bring with them some emotion but only one character is worthy of being truly embraced.

There is an interesting part of this emotional attachment. The past and the future are really on opposite sides and no doubt the present is right in the middle. So which one does one embrace and why should one embrace it, if any of it at all.

Have you not noticed that the one who so passionately embraces the past, often gets lost in relation to the present, and does perhaps not even realise there is a future. Be that past, be it good or be it bad, when they dwell on it, they are almost permanently in reverse as if their lives have already ended except that their heart may still miraculously be ticking.  They gloat of achievements and all wondrous actions, deeds and awards, yet their only tool is a feather-duster, such that the cobwebs may be removed from these memories which is by now entrenched in their minds.

The fellow on the other side, he too is sucked in by emotion and yes, while perhaps the past had some influence, he is rather pre-occupied with the future such that either he fears the future, absolute paranoia, or he has embraced the future as if nothing else exists or has ever existed. This latter person will be changing the world except perhaps he is unaware of where the world was or where the world present is at. The future is  bright and rosy, nay bright and laserly, technologically-driven absolutely awesome new horizon awaits. Unless of course you are the paranoid little guy/gal whose every second in the future is.... DOOOMMMM ...

But alas, both the past and the future is unlike one special character, the present ... interesting name for this fellow, The present, a gift of life, the one to really embrace. The past has no doubt led to the present and whatever has happened then, one of two may need to happen going forward – build on it OR change it, especially if it was bad. Your present is the first step to your future – embrace it. Your present is where you make the real decisions to influence the future. Your present is the time where you act such that the foundations for the future are laid. Embrace it. The past is gone – learn from it. Smile a while when the past has been great but don’t get sucked in by it. Shake the head, and perhaps shed a little tear, but don’t get sucked in by it because is over and done.

Contemplate the future only in as far as you understand the present and you instil two important ingredients in your daily life – contemplation and learning. Contemplation together with learning are two powerful ingredients to plan your course going forward and that course starts now.

Don’t be too harsh on those living in the past, but they may be shocked by what is really happening, which could be a real nasty blow (to their health). Those living too far in the future, gently bring them back to reality but don’t burst their bubble, merely deflate it so that it still floats but within reasonable reach.

As for the present, embrace it to the extent that every passing second is history and belongs to the past. The next second belongs to the future and thus be prepared for it.

In conclusion, I am reminded by Quran to prepare for tomorrow, that is the Great Day of Recompense, of Account, of Judgement. While that day in itself may yet be a while off, for each one of us, death may in fact be tomorrow, thus we must strive to do our best always, let no time be wasted – work hard in this world to leave a legacy for your family and perhaps humanity, and work hard to achieve the full and best rewards of the life to come, the life of paradise - if indeed you want success.

Quran is the word of Allah, revealed as an oral text to Muhammad – peace be upon him –via Angel Gabriel – peace be upon him. The Quran confirms what came before it with respect to the various Prophets and other Divinely revealed scripture


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