Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Killing me softly

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Often we perhaps concern ourselves little with the well-being of others. Our own ego's and pride have blinded us from acknowledging the harm we inflict on others. We drown out the opinions and views of others only such that our space and turf may be protected. We do not consider the consequences.. Even at times suicide... Please take care .. Let us be more responsible"


"Humiliation and depression! Oh how I need some intercession"
Quivers the battered young man as he fear more aggression
The heat of the day has no impact on his body remains cold
He considers that it may perhaps be easier if his soul was sold

Almost never-ending, condemnation and humiliation is all he faces
Uncomfortable he is as when his body does tingle as his heartbeat races
Sadly for him his talent and contribution does not count for anything
His words fall  upon deaf ears as if the audience is missing

Few take time to listen but in defending his himself he yells for all to hear
"Madness", "immaturity", "unwise", "unmannered", the response is clear
Condemnation, humiliation, he is a prisoner in a world that has no heart
If he were dead it would matter little since he is nuisance for a start

Except that he is the ideal target on whom others can cast the blame
Despised by most he is, for them his life and existence is a shame
All the more reason that they can trash him and bash him at will
His voice must be muted and that tongue of his must remain still

With pain and anguish he accepts that his life is one of humiliation 
He seeks respite so it is only to his Lord that he turns for consolation
He breathes deeply such that his heart may yet find some rest
That when he sees another person with it he expects a test

If nothing else he knows that it is his patience is that at stake
For all his endurance how much more can any person take
Badgered here, badgered there, badgered everywhere
Never good enough in a situation, a disaster in every sphere

Thinking about survival, his heart is pounding that he feels it ache
His body feels the pain as to it's foundation every part did shake
He questions how it is that always he is too young to be wise
And for the youngsters he is too old to be one of the guys

So often he is reluctant to even contemplate making decision
The likely outcome is that somehow it will be met with derision
We must surely help and the message to this young boy is clear
Return in submission to your Lord and from His path do not veer

Humiliation in this life will be short-lived as this worldly life itself
Even with scars so deep none can heal it but the Lord Himself

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