Wednesday, July 11, 2012

O you who are a slave

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

O you who are a slave! You refuse to be a true slave, a slave to the One Who Created you, you refuse to be a slave to the Truth, yet you are but a slave.

Unfortunately, you are the one who gets up early in the morning to go to a place of work – a place which you do not enjoy being at; nor do you enjoy the wage being paid to you. Yet you are slave for the truth is you do not know why you are there and why perhaps you need to be there. You work overtime for minimum wage. You consider being flirtatious as a way to get ahead. You have sold yourself, your soul for what? A career? A job? Money? Status? You are a slave to a world which is meaningless.

You dress in a way which sometimes make you look uncomfortable, perhaps you are. But it is simply that you are a slave. You are a slave to fashion. You are a slave to peer pressure. You are a slave for truth that may be inside your heart is simply overshadowed by your master – the pressure from without – the fashion and society. You are a slave to that which is superficial and you don’t even realise it for you are its slave. Your life is superficial .. does that mean it is meaningless?

You party, you enjoy yourself when you often know the consequences of it all. But you cannot stop for you are a slave. You are a slave to the pressure of those whose lives revolve around fun and those who have shunned responsibility. But you a slave to those who have not your best interest at heart for you have succumbed. So you were there, so now you “in” .. in what? In slavery ... another meaningless exercise in being superficial – for you are its slave.

You have given up morals and values – you call them outdated – for you are a slave to a society bent on destroying itself but you have shunned truth, so how should you know. What say do you have for you are a slave to a lawless immoral society who looks down on the poor, the meek, the humble. “No, we don’t I hear you say”, but how hypocritical you are – for the moral you practise, they do too to your dismay or shall we just say the morals you don’t practise neither do they. But you are slaves to those who propagate immorality and for you nothing is taboo.

So are you a slave to Him who deserves your servitude or you are merely a slave to everything that goes against that which is natural? What is natural is what is from nature. What is from nature is what is from the Creator, Allah. He created men such that they grow facial hair, yet they shave it. He created men and women with eyebrows, yet women see fit to pluck it. And so the list goes on, the list  with servitude to that which opposes the nature given by Allah.

The reality of this misguided servitude is because we may not properly understand why we are here. If you are a true slave, a slave of Allah then indeed you are free for you are one that have humbly submitted to Him who does not change. But if you are a slave to everything else, you will continually strive to obey the master who changes with time, be it your boss, fashion, the latest social trends, and whatever else you may fancy to be a slave to.

Those who deny the truth and thus are really slaves of the latter, then they have no reason to complain for they have brought their misery upon themselves. But these are the people who find reason to complain.

Whatever you do in life, do it for the right reason, not for your whims and fancies. Be a true slave!

In case anybody misunderstands –  I am neither slating work or your boss – what I am merely saying, get to enjoy what you do, ensure mutual respect for your boss and colleagues and progress in your career on being the best at what is required from your job.

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