Friday, October 4, 2013

Fusion of Hearts

 In the name of Allah, most Gracious Most Merciful

I proposed to you on a day when I did not know you
Yet in a few minutes I saw in you the future of us two

That together we will face the challenges the world may offer
Many may think we hide a treasure in some magic coffer

But it is the meeting of the minds and the fusing of the hearts
A magical place where seeds are planted and true love starts
The goal is simple to live with respect and serve each other
The evil one can do his best but he does us not bother

Even sometimes when sadness overtakes one of us
The other is there to untie all the knots and end all the fuss
It is true that every couple may have their disagreements
But how can we ever allow these to be of any permanence

No doubt some may ask whether ours was love at first sight
My only answer is that at the end of every prayer there is light
So for the one I love is that I do my best to treat her well
And I know when she missed me tears do make her eyes swell

So my love you know best that I am not perfect
But the love I have I am sure you will never reject
Praise indeed to the Lord who created me and you
And bonded our hearts into one instead of two



#Love #heart #Lord #treasure

Monday, September 9, 2013

Bring no Harm

in the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Even from a young age you called me by name

Yet you showed no love as you put me to shame

With that you only can cast a shadow over your life

As with each step you do only invite nothing but strife


If it is fame you seek at the expense of another

So does the hurt you bring with it not you bother

Did you forget this world is but a temporary abode

That you worry not about deeds you carry in your load


So sad you see not now the error of your ways

Happy you are for as long as people sing your praise

What will be your state when upon you reality does dawn

Will you then be the one who cuts a figure so forlorn


The one you so deliberately took your time to harm

In so many ways that often there was little calm

So now in old age the victim has certainly not forgot

So his denial of forgiveness will surely be your lot


It is often said a cat has nine lives and we have one

But when the warner came you were happy for him to be done

For the reminders of your Lord was never meant for “me”

You seem certain your Lord will accept your “not guilty” plea


You prayed and you have been to the stranger good

Sadly the laws of your Lord you never really understood

So today I can only remind myself of that which I must avoid

For in you I see a reminder of how acts of goodness can be void
#spreadgoodness #spreadlove

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Patience and Silence

In the name of Allaah, Most Gracious Most Merciful
If silence is a sign of patience, then I need to be silent more
If silence is a sign of wisdom, then I need to be silent more

If patience is a sign of wisdom, then I need to be patient more

If a prayer is better uttered in silence, then I need to be silent more

But how is it that one can be silent when one sees suffering and even abuse

It is that one practises wisdom through patience

But patience may require silence but never inaction

Thus practise wisdom with patience and a measured silence

Such that there is no need to wail and beating the chest

Such acts are best replaced by silence

But the silence is broken when the wisdom has been relayed to a tongue

That speaks out against abuse and injustice

But there is beauty in patience

but excellence in wisdom

While silence is golden when little is to be said.
And the best jihad is patience

for this is the real jihad


Monday, April 22, 2013

Another’s opinion

In the name of Allah,  Most Gracious, Most Merciful


I asked you what the answer to “one plus one” was and you said “three”.  I know not how you saw it that way but you were adamant without ever considering you may have miscalculated. I tried to explain to you how to calculate and perhaps in that way you will get to the correct answer. But you acted stubbornly. You said I waffled but you were never listening to even. You grinned as if I was talking absolutely nonsense and refused to listen to a word I said. Perhaps, my explanation was wrong but it was not my explanation you challenged. You merely listened to your own view - a view that you could not explain.

And in all of this, the answer was not really the issue. But the issue was that you refused to engage but stubbornly clung to your point of view or was it a point of view – anything another said had no merit to you. It was your way or no way and you made the other person look like a fool. Yet, you will claim to be the victim. But the only victim is you; you are a victim of stubbornness. The next person’s view does not matter because you refuse to learn and engage. You are as stubborn as a spoilt child, yet your mother never raised you like that.

You who wish to learn, need first to learn to engage. You who wish to give your opinion, must at least try and understand something of another’s opinion and if you still cannot, be adult enough to admit it.

At the end we may differ, but not until you have at least tried to understand something of what I had to say because I have tried to understand you. That is respect or is it that only you want to be treated with respect?



Saturday, April 6, 2013


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful

I look at history and find many a situation and people who made an impact
Today much of what we see and do does only from the true path distract
Does not one’s immediate family at least offer one some hope of growth
Or am i the person that even my dear ones think that they do loathe

I kneel before my Lord and shed a tear while deep in prayer
For what have I offered my family and friends to show I care?
To know that life is not that we should stagnate and grow no more
Rather, is it not a journey from this life to paradise that we live for

Perhaps not in one living person we find the complete example to follow
But from a few there is a lesson and some advice we can borrow
Then we learn it and practise it so that within our souls may grow
and with this improvement those around you will want also to know
That young or old, male or female each have a role to play
We can learn even from the young some of us may be grey
So acquire knowledge far and wide and the means to apply it
Then with that newfound wisdom the learning pattern is complete

That is who we ought to be when we impact others and learn from some
That we do not go through life as if our minds and souls are numb

But the sun needs to shine from our very souls and an active mind
Let not it be that on that great day we are raised deaf, dumb and blind



Sunday, January 27, 2013

A bride no more

in the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

She extends her hand reflecting the henna-draping in preparation for her wedding day. The exquisite wedding dress was a transformation of an idea, the right pattern and of course the ideal fabric. There is  buzz of people around her as the excitement builds up to the actual wedding day.

Her parents are overjoyed at the occassion of her getting married. Yet in her heart there is a trembling for the certainty of the decision, which was beyond her, is about to become reality. Today she will become a wife and she will spend time and space with her new husband’s family. Silently and passively, she wonders why they call it in-laws.

At this tender age, she is agreeable to marriage, but fears that this decision was none of her making. She has no problem with the fact that parents have an important role to play in ensuring their chldren choose ideal partners. But therein lies the concern – was she marrying her ideal partner.

Revelry, exhange of greetings and gifts marks the occassion. Lavish as it is and joyous as it appears, she is withdrawn. She prays to her Lord, her Overseer, Allah, to guide her, to protect her and to make her marriage successul. Tears stream down her cheeks and as this not unusual for many a bride, nobody shares her concern. She manages a smile as expected of her. This bubbly person inside is smothered by the occassion and the reality of its meaning.

The success of the day is but a minute speck since the real success is the growth of the married couple as individuals and as a couple. As the wedding day became of distant memory, she bears the struggles of her marriage patiently. She eventually has children but the struggles are only intensifying as she feels robbed of her identity, her motherhood. Perhaps “wife” is a misplaced word in this partnership which by now barely resembles a marriage.

Her inner circle knows of her concerns, but nobody believes it to be too serious. An eventuality which was inevitable. The person locked up inside of her all these years wants to live. The bride of yesterday is no more. She can bear it no more. The most hated thing in the sight of Allah, but which is permitted, is about to become a new reality. She is granted a divorce after enduring much hardship. A harsh lesson but all good husbands will feel aggrieved at this situation. All good meaning fathers will understand that their ideal relationship is not necessarily the ideal relationship of their children.
Divorce happens. There ought not be a stigma attached, neither for the divorcee nor for the one intending to marry a divorcee. There are too many sad stories, some similar, some worse.

Marry them and if things don’t work out, after exhausting all avenues, then part in goodness.