Monday, September 9, 2013

Bring no Harm

in the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Even from a young age you called me by name

Yet you showed no love as you put me to shame

With that you only can cast a shadow over your life

As with each step you do only invite nothing but strife


If it is fame you seek at the expense of another

So does the hurt you bring with it not you bother

Did you forget this world is but a temporary abode

That you worry not about deeds you carry in your load


So sad you see not now the error of your ways

Happy you are for as long as people sing your praise

What will be your state when upon you reality does dawn

Will you then be the one who cuts a figure so forlorn


The one you so deliberately took your time to harm

In so many ways that often there was little calm

So now in old age the victim has certainly not forgot

So his denial of forgiveness will surely be your lot


It is often said a cat has nine lives and we have one

But when the warner came you were happy for him to be done

For the reminders of your Lord was never meant for “me”

You seem certain your Lord will accept your “not guilty” plea


You prayed and you have been to the stranger good

Sadly the laws of your Lord you never really understood

So today I can only remind myself of that which I must avoid

For in you I see a reminder of how acts of goodness can be void
#spreadgoodness #spreadlove

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