Monday, April 22, 2013

Another’s opinion

In the name of Allah,  Most Gracious, Most Merciful


I asked you what the answer to “one plus one” was and you said “three”.  I know not how you saw it that way but you were adamant without ever considering you may have miscalculated. I tried to explain to you how to calculate and perhaps in that way you will get to the correct answer. But you acted stubbornly. You said I waffled but you were never listening to even. You grinned as if I was talking absolutely nonsense and refused to listen to a word I said. Perhaps, my explanation was wrong but it was not my explanation you challenged. You merely listened to your own view - a view that you could not explain.

And in all of this, the answer was not really the issue. But the issue was that you refused to engage but stubbornly clung to your point of view or was it a point of view – anything another said had no merit to you. It was your way or no way and you made the other person look like a fool. Yet, you will claim to be the victim. But the only victim is you; you are a victim of stubbornness. The next person’s view does not matter because you refuse to learn and engage. You are as stubborn as a spoilt child, yet your mother never raised you like that.

You who wish to learn, need first to learn to engage. You who wish to give your opinion, must at least try and understand something of another’s opinion and if you still cannot, be adult enough to admit it.

At the end we may differ, but not until you have at least tried to understand something of what I had to say because I have tried to understand you. That is respect or is it that only you want to be treated with respect?



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