Friday, June 29, 2012

Imagination without limits

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful

 I just love dreaming, but it is awesome when these become reality ... and here is something worth imagining

Have you ever wondered how awesome a place paradise is? Do you think the people a hundred years back would have imagined it as we are imagining it today? How about those who lived thousands of years ago?

Think about it – I mean really think about it? Like close your eyes! Hellllooooo – work with me here – it may yet be good therapy ...or .... it may be an absolutely incredible eye-opener because perhaps you did not believe in paradise ... mmmm .. but even if you did (or do), you were just plodding along and not really thinking deeply about it. Your dream is that car or that house which you already saw. But paradise, nah, you have not seen it yet. But I know it is most definitely the most incredible place ever...

Close you eyes .. squeeze them closed. Now picture your most beautiful house, nay make it a ..a..a palace.. .yes, a palace .. the large entrance wall, the built-in swimming pool, heated (you don’t like it heated – ok .. leave it unheated .. for you)... kitchen – don’t need it because what ever you want, just think about it and it will be there .. you don’t need butlers and maids and and and and remote controls – your mind is good enough .. gardens green, with trees shaped in your favourite shapes, water fountains, rivers, flowers – the most beautiful – luscious fields expanding for many many miles – it’s all yours.

Technology, that amazing phenomenon we had on earth, pffft, how inferior to the communication now (keep your eyes closed and focus) .. how you want to communicate, just do it.. what you want .. just do it ...what we as humans are now capable is not even an iota of the capability of the One who granted us even this capability... so there in the gardens of paradise, we will experience so much more.... more than we can imagine .. and yet .. even then we cannot grasp ...but for now let your mind wander ... for that place is wonderful .... will the rivers be of milk, or chocolate or the sweetest juice ever – it is yours .. you order what you want, and you can change your mind and it will be there... no calling the plumber or the builder or or or ... no ... it’s in a power beyond your wildest imagination.

Hold that thought, save it ... and reflect on it ever so no and again ... better than a DVD you have already burned (for those less technologically inclined it means “made”) you can edit your thought and add on at your will..These thought most definitely prove that the might and power of our Creator. All these latest development may amaze us but it only enhances our imagination of what is to come when we enter this wondrous place called paradise.

Perhaps people deny the existence of paradise simply because they lack the imagination and acceptance of the power of the Almighty Creator. This life is way too fleeting to really enjoy oneself. So I would rather prep for the real enjoyment and even the prep is really easy.  Remember, whatever you are imagining, it will be better. In Him we trust.

Don’t let that fella, the one with the horns, don’t let him tell you anything different only because he for sure have been denied entry into this place .. so he is just a jealous rascal.

Dream on, and this is one dream that will most definitely become reality if you truly believe!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Killing me softly

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Often we perhaps concern ourselves little with the well-being of others. Our own ego's and pride have blinded us from acknowledging the harm we inflict on others. We drown out the opinions and views of others only such that our space and turf may be protected. We do not consider the consequences.. Even at times suicide... Please take care .. Let us be more responsible"


"Humiliation and depression! Oh how I need some intercession"
Quivers the battered young man as he fear more aggression
The heat of the day has no impact on his body remains cold
He considers that it may perhaps be easier if his soul was sold

Almost never-ending, condemnation and humiliation is all he faces
Uncomfortable he is as when his body does tingle as his heartbeat races
Sadly for him his talent and contribution does not count for anything
His words fall  upon deaf ears as if the audience is missing

Few take time to listen but in defending his himself he yells for all to hear
"Madness", "immaturity", "unwise", "unmannered", the response is clear
Condemnation, humiliation, he is a prisoner in a world that has no heart
If he were dead it would matter little since he is nuisance for a start

Except that he is the ideal target on whom others can cast the blame
Despised by most he is, for them his life and existence is a shame
All the more reason that they can trash him and bash him at will
His voice must be muted and that tongue of his must remain still

With pain and anguish he accepts that his life is one of humiliation 
He seeks respite so it is only to his Lord that he turns for consolation
He breathes deeply such that his heart may yet find some rest
That when he sees another person with it he expects a test

If nothing else he knows that it is his patience is that at stake
For all his endurance how much more can any person take
Badgered here, badgered there, badgered everywhere
Never good enough in a situation, a disaster in every sphere

Thinking about survival, his heart is pounding that he feels it ache
His body feels the pain as to it's foundation every part did shake
He questions how it is that always he is too young to be wise
And for the youngsters he is too old to be one of the guys

So often he is reluctant to even contemplate making decision
The likely outcome is that somehow it will be met with derision
We must surely help and the message to this young boy is clear
Return in submission to your Lord and from His path do not veer

Humiliation in this life will be short-lived as this worldly life itself
Even with scars so deep none can heal it but the Lord Himself

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Destroying our Youth

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 

The destruction of society lies in the destruction in the fabric of our youth.  The destruction in the fabric of the youth of today lies in the lack of attention to the youth of yesterday. The destruction of society is the destruction of man himself and this world for sure. Inch by inch we are the manufacturers of our own end which, of course, One All-knowledgeable knows.

We have made brilliant scientific discoveries and still, day by day, are increasing exponentially. We have done tremendous work as a human race, and now we seek too to increase the lifespan of mother earth if, for example, we can reduce global warming. We seek other planets for habitation should life on earth become impossible. We though, either some already know or those who don’t, need to realise that man was created with limited capacity for that limitless capacity belongs only to the One Who is All-knowledgeable, All-Powerful, All-wise.

Is it a co-incidence that in the pursuit of technology that the value-system, the moral system has declined as fast as, or even quicker than, any scientific advancement? Has science and technology become the way of life, the religion of man such that it brings with it wondrous gadgets but also monstrous people. Has these scientific developments given power to a group of people who claim to come with peace, yet the world is being destroyed? Peace comes from the heart, not from the hands. The presence of the One, Who is Peace, in your heart will lead to peace, but alas, the deception of one’s own pursuits make one love oneself  more for few would claim to worship the devil.

Our youth, our youth, our youth. They are more technologically advanced than even us who may only be a few years beyond that age group. Their very lives revolve around technology to the extent that they not only know every “gadget” on the market, the first thing they “greet” in the morning is one(s) they may own. Meanwhile mom and dad works harder to ensure that their child remains popular and in touch. The youth and their successors spend more time with “technology” than with their family members. The destruction of families and societies are increasing at an alarming rate. Few claim to worship the one who hates man but most follow and obey him, for he loves to destroy families and love.

It is near impossible to think that the sins and crimes we have thus far experienced can be any worse. We have this wonderful knack of shifting blame for anything that may not be morally good – we do have an innate sense of good which we sometimes use, though unfortunately sparingly. We shift blame to government and everything else, even technology. Technology and scientific advancement has in it much good, so we may indeed be misplacing the blame.

Did I perhaps say that technologically was bad?

Technology is good. Yet our society is being destroyed as we are most definitely destroying our youth. We have given them technology without given them morals. We have given them technology without understanding. Perhaps, we don’t understand. The use of the pen at the start of creation was a technological breakthrough. This was to be a benefit to mankind. It was a gift from the Creator who taught man the use of the pen, taught him what he knew not (as related in Quran). Our relative survival on this planet is not through scientific development (although it will help), but it will be through the quality of our morals and the guidance of Him Who created us.

The advancement of a strong society is on good character building in human – not robots.

Few claim to worship the one who hates man but most follow and obey him - Satan, for he loves to destroy families and love.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Embrace the Era

In the name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious

The past, the present and the future are three interesting characters. They may not live in the same era but there is most certainly one thing they have in common. These characters bring with them some emotion but only one character is worthy of being truly embraced.

There is an interesting part of this emotional attachment. The past and the future are really on opposite sides and no doubt the present is right in the middle. So which one does one embrace and why should one embrace it, if any of it at all.

Have you not noticed that the one who so passionately embraces the past, often gets lost in relation to the present, and does perhaps not even realise there is a future. Be that past, be it good or be it bad, when they dwell on it, they are almost permanently in reverse as if their lives have already ended except that their heart may still miraculously be ticking.  They gloat of achievements and all wondrous actions, deeds and awards, yet their only tool is a feather-duster, such that the cobwebs may be removed from these memories which is by now entrenched in their minds.

The fellow on the other side, he too is sucked in by emotion and yes, while perhaps the past had some influence, he is rather pre-occupied with the future such that either he fears the future, absolute paranoia, or he has embraced the future as if nothing else exists or has ever existed. This latter person will be changing the world except perhaps he is unaware of where the world was or where the world present is at. The future is  bright and rosy, nay bright and laserly, technologically-driven absolutely awesome new horizon awaits. Unless of course you are the paranoid little guy/gal whose every second in the future is.... DOOOMMMM ...

But alas, both the past and the future is unlike one special character, the present ... interesting name for this fellow, The present, a gift of life, the one to really embrace. The past has no doubt led to the present and whatever has happened then, one of two may need to happen going forward – build on it OR change it, especially if it was bad. Your present is the first step to your future – embrace it. Your present is where you make the real decisions to influence the future. Your present is the time where you act such that the foundations for the future are laid. Embrace it. The past is gone – learn from it. Smile a while when the past has been great but don’t get sucked in by it. Shake the head, and perhaps shed a little tear, but don’t get sucked in by it because is over and done.

Contemplate the future only in as far as you understand the present and you instil two important ingredients in your daily life – contemplation and learning. Contemplation together with learning are two powerful ingredients to plan your course going forward and that course starts now.

Don’t be too harsh on those living in the past, but they may be shocked by what is really happening, which could be a real nasty blow (to their health). Those living too far in the future, gently bring them back to reality but don’t burst their bubble, merely deflate it so that it still floats but within reasonable reach.

As for the present, embrace it to the extent that every passing second is history and belongs to the past. The next second belongs to the future and thus be prepared for it.

In conclusion, I am reminded by Quran to prepare for tomorrow, that is the Great Day of Recompense, of Account, of Judgement. While that day in itself may yet be a while off, for each one of us, death may in fact be tomorrow, thus we must strive to do our best always, let no time be wasted – work hard in this world to leave a legacy for your family and perhaps humanity, and work hard to achieve the full and best rewards of the life to come, the life of paradise - if indeed you want success.

Quran is the word of Allah, revealed as an oral text to Muhammad – peace be upon him –via Angel Gabriel – peace be upon him. The Quran confirms what came before it with respect to the various Prophets and other Divinely revealed scripture
