In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Especially Merciful
Paint me a picture that I will never forget
Paint me a picture that will not cause me to fret
It must be more beautiful than the eye can see
It must allow my wildest imagination to run free
Show me amazing gardens with rivers below
Show me lovely mountains with a hint of snow
Let it be such that it will create a yearning in the heart
Such that of this picture I will want to be a part
If you are not yet able to paint me this picture
Know that in my thoughts this is already a fixture
So while you think about what I am saying
Let me remind you that the one to whom I am praying
He, My Lord, has already set for me the scene
To be part of it He wants me to be is on His Deen*
So when I look around at the happenings of the day
I am glad that He has given to me Islam as the way
The world is a mess such was Satan’s promise
Some have sold this picture as if it was mere commerce
So how to get this picture you may be wondering
Take the straight path without in any way meandering
Along the way you may get many offers to explore
But if you do that only trouble will be in store
You simply have to hold tightly to the Guide
Then with the garden you will be more than satisfied.
*deen - a religion. For Muslims it is a way of life
MashaAllah Mr G. Truly beautiful words :)