Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wonders of the World

By now you may know whether Table Mountain on the southern tip of Africa is a “wonder” of the world. This acknowledgement is sought largely as a boost for tourism. Tourism contributes 7.4% to the GDP of South Africa (see ). We have seen though the impact of the global financial crisis of 2008 impact tourism worldwide. The latest crisis in Europe where countries are on the brink of collapse is certainly casting a nervous and negative spell on the rest of the world. The current situation has only further muted economic recovery in even South Africa. Tourism has no doubt suffered as much has been blamed on the fallout from SWC 2010. But the reality is that SWC2010 was a welcome boost to tourism which artificially improved the situation. In fact, some may argue that SWC 2010 did not reach the levels of tourism/fans that were originally expected.
The one country that has not suffered in all this time is Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is home to the sacred Muslim sites. The consistency of the number of pilgrims has shown the importance attached to this journey. This happens in the face of difficult global financial situations we have and are now experiencing. This happens even when the commercial interests of service providers such as airlines are evident when prices peak at Hajj time. This therefore is an indication that Mecca ( where the Sacred mosque and first place of worship is found) is in itself a wonder of the world. What is indeed a wonder is that this call to attend the pilgrimage was made thousands of years ago by a man called Abraham (Ebrahim - Alayhi assalam).
Table Mountain, as a wonder of the world, is a sign of the acknowledgement of the Majesty of our Creator. We have no choice but to consider it a wonder of the world irrespective of any one person’s or group’s view on the matter. We are already and continue to be grateful to the Almighty for everything and no doubt for the beautiful country we live in and too that we are fortunate to live in the shadow of this beautiful mountain.

We have to know though that the wonders of the world cannot be restricted to seven, but this number pales into insignificance to the reality of the multitude of wonders of the world.
Those who remember Allâh (always, and in prayers) standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and think deeply about the creation of the heavens and the earth, (saying): "Our Lord! You have not created (all) this without purpose, glory to You! (Exalted are You above all that they associate with You as partners). Give us salvation from the torment of the Fire.(Quran: 3:191 aal-imran)

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