Thursday, June 9, 2016


Free thinking and critical thinking are not the same. The former invites thoughts with no filter whereas the latter seeks understanding.

When we err it is better that we admit to it especially when it is pointed out to us rather than us harming our soul when defending the error.

Had we said 'why me?' as often when good happens we may be less happy. Likewise, when bad happens take it on the chin and move on.

The cemeteries are filled with people who may have considered themselves indispensable - be a teacher - leave a legacy death is certain.

Mufti Menk: The real test of a man's integrity is how he reacts when he's been proven wrong. Blessed is he who's able to admit his mistake graciously.

Every day I must find a way to tread life's highway and so I pray that I do not fall prey to the evil on display so help me God this day.

The prisons of the world are filled with people who are imprisoned by their thoughts and hatred .. The prison of the mind is dangerous.

A child's confidence sways much the same way as an adult's. Reprimanding them only can be counterproductive -encourage.

Jumping to conclusions is a sure way to misjudgment. Take time to consider the facts and other probabilities. Reflect.

Mufti Menk: Always leave others in a better state than when you found them. Learn to nurture, encourage, help, smile..; you'll remain in their hearts.