In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Especially Merciful
My son, I was so good to you all your life, was I not? Then Why, Why did you leave me here alone in this dark and cold place. Why did you have these people all come along and then you leave me. What is to become of me? Who is there to help me? This place is small. Yet I have so much money to buy a bigger place. What have I done to deserve this?
These are but the thoughts that should cross our minds for a day will soon come when we too will be like the one who is left alone in what seems to be a cold and dark place. All of this is reality except that the latter will be only for some while for others it will be spacious and comfortable.
The son, the father, the brother, the friend who left you, did what they had to do. You have taken on the responsibility to be born into this world, but you may have forgotten that this world is but a temporary abode. Yet, you lived as if this life was eternal. You have been left in this place, this small and dark place because you are now in the dock. You will be questioned about your life and perhaps you pass the test. But if you do not, then you only have yourself to blame for you, who hold all these qualifications and seem quite intelligent, either befriended the enemy or were simply duped by this character. Yes, you were subservient to the enemy and now you are being court-martialled. Neither your money, nor your worldly status, nor your many friends can help you in the least. You have been stripped of all these and you will present your own case.
What is your case? You sought much pleasure while living on mother earth. You forgot that the real pleasure was the satisfaction of Him who created you. You forgot that it is with His Mercy that He will grant you an eternal abode of pleasure. That abode is beyond this earthly life. Yet you, with your brilliant mind, yet you were influenced and forgot Him, forgot Him who Created you. You chose to party, club, consume alcohol, fornicate, dress provocatively, gamble and all those things that were expressly forbidden to you while in this temporary life. And now you are in this icy cold and dark place, a place so small that you feel constricted, and those sent to interrogate you are not kind to you in the least.
In your pain and anguish, you do not realise that, barely a few meters from you, is another person. Yet this person is in luxury, not the worldly luxury, but by far better. He was one who remembered that this world was but temporary. He knew there was something better to come and he worked for it. He read a book, a book of guidance from the One who created you and him. He read the book and followed it and followed the teachings of the one who conveyed the message of this book.
My son, I wish I was a better person, I wish I had another chance. I know I will never have that. You are still on this earth. Know the pain of the grave and rather repent before it is too late. Repent, for your Lord loves those who repent and He, Most High, is quick to accept repentance.
Leave that which will harm you and take care of yourself, your time, your health, your family, your youth before it is all taken away from you.
“Verily from Allah do we come and verily to Him is our return” (Quran 2:156)