2010 - wow!!! what a year - what with the 2010 SWC all in South Arica - wow ... Hey what about Tiger's (as in Tiger Woods)confession, wikileaks, Pakistani cheating in Cricket? etc etc etc. ******************************************
A great year - mmmm ************************************************
The SWC 2010 - came and is gone - euphoria then gloom - you saw it the before and after - anything change. Well its because sports at that level is a kind of a drug, its mass hysteria, you forget reality of life and what is important - you enter a religion of CONSUMERISM and worship FIFA - you are poorer except for some memorabilia who really has little value right now. Yeah a few pics but the gloom is still there is it not. Sports is good, but much of it is designed to be a kind of drug that get even non-sports people to act beyond themselves..............
My great-grandfather is reported to have said that sports is gambling - was the SWC gambling with one's principles? well if that is not clear yet, then consider that while Islam prohibits alcohol, that the 2022 SWC was awarded to a "Muslim" country (Qatar) with a proviso they lift the BAN on alcohol for the period in and around the SWC 2022 - gampbling with one's principles? .... ...........................
The Pakistani match-fixing: guilty or not is not the issue - its that sports in general is fertile ground for gambling. Swayed by money? Gambling? ..............................................
Tiger Woods - ah ... naughty boy - but alas he is not the only one is he ... and sure there are quite a few like him ... so he was more like a rabbit (bouncing around) or was he more like Tigger (bouncing around) .....................
But then there is a group of people who have LONG-STANDING extra-marital affairs. Perhaps if it was not for the harsh laws prohibiting polygamy, these people would not be adulterers but rather polygamist, married and a greater sense of stability to communities. While Islam has always permitted polygamy, women in the west are more and more inclining to this concept since it gives them self-esteeem and security among others benefits. While polygamy is permitted in Islam, the percentage of men who have polygamous marriages are in the single digits. Divorce rates are low. And permitting polygamy will not open the floodgates but rather bring HONOUR to essentially the woman. And so we can go on and on....................................
Wikileaks - will you be ok if somebody is spreading stuff about you? Where will this all stop? ....................................
The reality is that while you are considering yourself and/or your New Year's resolutions - consider yourself in every facet - Success, time management, fitness, health, family obligations, friendship - I have a good book for you to read.. or else we may engage further.. ...................................
So my wishes for you is all that is good and something to make your happy forever. .......................... Be good :) .................................
and for your viewing pleasure:.............